The Bend In The Road

**** You may notice the featured artwork isn’t up to par with what I normally use. There are a couple of reasons why. First of all, Chelsea has encountered some issues with social media and I only recently found out. We will be getting this resolved quickly. Secondly, this post came out of left field […]

Bullet Train

In a recent rendering from yours truly, I referenced an idea or theory in which I believe that we are a population of the blind. I expressed that as “modern-day” humans, we tend to get so absorbed in the pace of existence that sight becomes dimmed or even lost. I acknowledge that I am not […]

That Was a Lot of Bull

Golf is a sport.  Golf is challenging.  Golf is demanding.  Golf is aggravating.  Golf is about Zen, maturation, soul searching, honesty, dishonesty, mental anguish, foul language, promises to the universe, and a provocative search for the meaning of life. Or, it’s nothing more than a beer-filled afternoon of bullshitting with friends while wearing some cool […]