WHAT HAVE I GOTTEN US INTO!!! And What is DBeazy Life?


A favorite TV character of mine is Hank Moody, played by David Duchovny on the Showtime series, Californication.  In the series, Hank is a published author who has experienced some success, but as the series begins, he is suffering from writer’s block. On more than one occasion on the show, he advises others against a career in writing, citing his opinion that it is like “having homework every day for the rest of your life.”

I mention this as a way of answering my own questions, “What have I gotten us into?”, “What is DBeazy Life?” and to introduce myself to the “tens of people” who will probably visit this site. I suppose the first thing that I will need to learn is to shorten everything, so here are the abbreviated answers.

What is DBeazy Life? I’m DBeazy, and this website is about my life, sort of. But more than that, it is about living. It is about sharing glimpses into an ordinary person’s life.  It’s about cats and dogs. It’s about music, food, motorcycles and the interests of the common person. It’s about triumph and loss. It’s about laughter, travel, relationships,  the experiences that identify us as human beings and fellow travelers along the paths that we find ourselves on.

What have I gotten us into? Well, this is one of those things that is yet to be seen, but hopefully, it will be a continuation of my daily posts on Facebook. Posts that I have been told that people enjoy, and have even been told recently by a friend that my posts are considered to be the “highlight of her day,” and that often, my posts, “gives her a chuckle.” But more than that, I hope that in time, we will have an answer that sounds something to the effect of, “The most rewarding experience in my life.”

In keeping with my attempt to be brief, let’s just suffice it to say that this is the follow-through on a suggestion that was made to me some 38 years ago, by a person who’s name I can’t recall, but whose words I have never been able to shake.

Enjoy the site and visit often.


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