DBeazy Life

Thanks for stopping by. Come in, enjoy, and stay awhile. Then, come back soon, and come back often!
Kick it

Is It Amazing?

My main purpose for creating this site was to have an avenue to write about motorcycles.  From the beginning, it morphed into a montage of things that have nothing to do with motorcycles but still allows me to produce word after word to create stories that hopefully, are compelling and entertaining reads.  As I mentioned […]


  Sometimes the weight of the world has a way of compounding itself until it is almost suffocating. Like storm clouds looming heavy on the horizon, dark and foreboding, and in our path. In the year of our Lord, 2020, well, it seems there is an endless line of ominous storm clouds in our path. […]

Paradise Almost Lost

  Almost anyone over a certain age easily recognizes an Eagles Album cover. Back in the day, we all went down to Columbia Sounds (Columbia, Mississippi, OR the record store in your town) and purchased a copy.  For those born too late to have vinyl as your only option, well, you may have missed out […]