DBeazy Life

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Kick it

For Your Next Crawfish Boil

Every year, beginning in February, an activity commences that as far as I know, happens nowhere on the planet, other than the North American South. What’s the activity you ask? Well, it is the time-honored tradition of the crawfish boil. There is documentation that the American Indians of South Louisiana baited reeds with deer meat […]

The Account of the Fall of Jericho

This morning marks 3 full weeks since I announced dbeazylife.com.  To date, the posts on dbeazy have been viewed over 1000 times.  I am encouraged by these numbers. I had no idea if anyone would check out the site, let alone check it out on a continual basis, so thanks for your support and spread […]

Pennies, NOT from Heaven

I tend to get a bit wordy in my posts here, which I realize goes against the norms of the day and time in which we live.  Except for certain circumstances, everything I put to text will be in sentence form, with at least an attempt to make it grammatically correct, and free of abbreviations.   […]

Flash Flood, Flashback

Here in South Mississippi, the talk for the last few days has been the river.  The “river,” for those who don’t know what I’m talking about, is the Pearl River.  The river gets its start in central Mississippi and flows through the capital city of Jackson and meanders southward where it becomes the border between […]

Mama Knows Best

I think everyone whose parents are no longer of this realm, will agree that their influence reaches from beyond the grave.  There is hardly a day that passes when I don’t reach down deep inside in search of a pearl of wisdom learned or experienced from one or both of my parents. Just yesterday as […]

That Was a Lot of Bull

Golf is a sport.  Golf is challenging.  Golf is demanding.  Golf is aggravating.  Golf is about Zen, maturation, soul searching, honesty, dishonesty, mental anguish, foul language, promises to the universe, and a provocative search for the meaning of life. Or, it’s nothing more than a beer-filled afternoon of bullshitting with friends while wearing some cool […]