The News Has All Been Bad … An Easter Post

I was asked if I would be writing an Easter story this year. I thought for a minute and replied, “I suppose I should.” That was four days ago, and at the moment, it is now Easter Sunday morning here in South Mississippi and I’m looking at a mostly blank screen. But not to worry, it’s early yet, and I know words will come.

I thought about going back and reading the submission on Easter a year ago but decided a fresh thought process this morning may be the best idea. So let me get a few gulps of coffee in and allow the inspiration to come.

I’ve heard it said that this world in which we live is nothing more than a proving ground. It’s not home. I thought about this and I remember as a kid sitting on a Southern Baptist church pew and hearing a preacher say how he looks forward to being in Heaven.  I never could wrap my mind around that concept back then. I guess I figured that I had a lot of living to do before that day arrives and I silently admitted to myself that I knew as a Christian, I was immediately supposed to share that sentiment, but I DID NOT! I thought about all of the things that I looked forward to doing in this life and though I believed what was being said, I just wanted it to be a long, long, time away.

Today, looking at it all through the filters of a lifetime of experiences, I still can’t say that I’m fully ready to let go of this world, but without doubt, I’m more inclined to look forward to that day when all troubles, all fear, all strife are no more. Just being cognizant of events of the last year, I mean, man, it isn’t hard to look forward to being in the presence of the creator.

I stopped looking at, reading about, or listening to any form of news sometimes late last summer. Covid, the then-upcoming election, and anything since the election, I refuse to give it any attention, period. And on social media, I’m quick to scroll through any news reference that shows up. I’m better for it, I suppose, and like the NFL, I realize that I am yet to miss it.

But in as much as today is Easter, I think about that morning those many years ago when the tomb of Jesus was approached and found to be empty. And I can just see the Roman news stories leading up to the day of the crucifixion of Jesus, the days after, and on the day the empty tomb was found. I feel sure that is where “fake news” originated. The promised words of Jesus were revealed in life and there were those whose hearts were so hardened, they refused to believe what was happening right in front of their eyes.

I have always believed the words in the 24th chapter of the Book of Matthew which speaks of the end of times and that no one, including Jesus, knows the day or the hour, only God himself. In fact, it is often that one hears someone predicting the end and I usually am quick to paraphrase the word and put that discussion to rest before it gets started. Remember, they were saying the end was near, days after the resurrection of Jesus.

This day. This Easter Sunday in the year 2021, is as I see it, the most important yet. The “news has all been bad,” to quote words of a song that came out last summer. The world around us is frightening, and it seems that man has turned as far away from the belief in a resurrected SAVIOR as is possible. I submit that “the news” is a weapon of Satan, “The Father of Lies, The Root of Deception.” On this day, let us remember that the truth lies in this, that Jesus paid a debt that humans could not pay, and that as his promise said, he would be put to death and in three days, rise to prove that he is alive and that our hope lies in him.



3 thoughts on “The News Has All Been Bad … An Easter Post

    1. Thank you very much. I will certainly share it more. And be sure to check back for new content.

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