The Zombie Apocalypse

Remember back this past Sunday.  There were many posts on social media about the fact that there would be a time change, a full moon, and a Friday the 13th?  Well, they left one out.  They left out this little thing called a PANDEMIC. We are seeing constant updates to the point that we are experiencing information overload.  Like a hurricane, the spread of the Covid-19 has been tracked on maps, until it reached the United States of America, then the state in which you live.  I overheard earlier in the week that it was thought that there might be a case one county over and how as the guy said it, “We are kind of surrounded.”

To this, I say, “Folks, get a grip!” Throughout 30 years in the Information Technology area of Healthcare, I have been forced to go to meetings and training and planning sessions.  I have assisted in the formulation of volumes of policies and procedures about how to handle this situation and what our reaction will be to that situation. And we have even put emergency plans into effect on several occasions over the years. Back with the Bird Flu and Sars, my lord, the word pandemic was thrown around until it made me nauseous to even hear it.

I will say this and my intention here is positivity.  It may sound negative to start, but keep reading, please.  If Hurricane Katrina taught us nothing else, it taught us that the unpredictable can and will become commonplace.  Whenever people are involved, and the fecal matter hits the rotary impeller, one just shouldn’t be surprised about anything.  But look at it this way.  I checked and rechecked my Bible and NOWHERE, does it say that this is the end.  But since we don’t know when the “end” will be, (This is definitely in the Bible), we have nothing to do but relax, love each other, and cast our fears upon the Lord. (Trust me, that’s in the Bible as well)

Other than these things, DBeazy’s list of “end-of-the-world preparations include the following. This list includes, but is not limited to:

  • Make sure your slate is as clean as possible.
  • Tell those close to you that you love them.
  • Make amends.
  • If you aren’t prepared for a catastrophic event, start doing it a little each week. You can’t do it once the trouble starts.
  • Have a bottle of bourbon on hand. (and one stashed away)
  • Gas up the car.
  • Be observant.
  • Help when you can.

and due to the Corona Virus outbreak of 2020, one more thing:

  • learn how to make a swipe, fold the toilet paper and make a second run at it.